- Professor/a: María Carmen Campoy Cubillo
- Professor/a: Laura Mercé Moreno Serrano
Aula Virtual UJI
Resultado da procura: 4
Introduction to the criminology-related lexicon through contextualization in situations specific to the Degree in Criminology and Security. Study of the most relevant syntactic structures, as well as the most common oral genres and registers in the English language within the criminologist's work environment.
(Course image: Image freepik: police in action (macrovector); Trabajando policía personas banners horizontales)
- Professor/a: María Carmen Campoy Cubillo
- Professor/a: María Luisa Millán Reyes
IMAGE SOURCE: <a href="https://www.flaticon.com/free-icons/criminology" title="criminology icons">Criminology icons created by Smashicons - Flaticon</a>
- Professor/a: María Carmen Campoy Cubillo